aiight, this is the thing about Tumblr and Facebook. They do not go together. at all i'm so tired of going through my news feed on facebook and I see all this shit from
Hey! What's up guys this is the betterofallevils here and I would like to invite you to celebrate Black Friday with me. I'm still unsure of the time, but if you leave a comment with a...
Yes Hello Yesterday evening someone hurt me and then I went home and made some potatoes There was one potato This one That was exemplary for what happened last night There was also a fish a very big...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Um. Hi guys? Yeah, um, so...
Hello My name is Vincent I am working my first novel at DESTUDIO and I'd like to tell you about my posture. I have a bad posture although I am on such a thing. This should be good for my...
Hey guys welcome to another technologyguru video today i have a quick tip for you and I am going to show you how to change your tumblr theme or background on your tumblr page there it's...
So what is Kyrgyzstan? Well technically, Kyrgyzstan is an independent, Muslim, ex-Soviet Union mountainous agrarian country located in Central Asia along the former Silk Road HUH? But what is it...
Okay. Um. I'm hoping this is gonna work this time. Uhm. I'm trying to get the camera to where it's not, like... reflecting my screen in my glasses, but it's, as you can...
aria and speaking writing about uh... saying or and amps all that normally when it comes to meeting new people dot com landing in the nutrition here below are and just uh... remembered that i...
ka ho david ka soch ke tumblr banayele gud bak kahin ka sasur ka nati ee ka 4 00:00:18,823 --> 00:00:20,325 mazi bussiness chi aai ghatli 5 00:00:20,325 --> 00:00:23,453 Sorry, Mr....