Budgets and votes have something very important in common. At their heart both require and reflect tough choices. Tomorrow we hope the Senate will vote on a Republican response to the...
Holy cow. Where to begin? Dustin Lance Black's play about Prop 8 hit Broadway for an incredible night. The tapes of the Prop 8 trial might actually get released. Florida's working on...
I'm Cathy Harrison, my partner is Kris Anderson, and this is our family. We like to do a lot of the same things - we both garden, we both love New Mexico, a la, the reason why we have a...
Laser Hair Removal New York If you live in the New York area, listen up because we have a special offer just for you. Remember when you were a kid and you didn’t have to worry about that unsightly...
A new poll shows us neck-and-neck in Minnesota, with a vote on marriage still a year off. There's just two weeks left to pass marriage in New York, but a Senate bill still hasn't even...
Getting the family ready for a vacation can be trying, but don't forget about preparing your home to prevent water damage while out of town. If a pipe leaks or bursts while you are away, water...
A victory for DOMA repeal in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but now it faces even greater hurdles in the full Senate. An election night victory in Iowa means marriage is safe, for now; but polling in...
now some about what governor walkers motivations ourselves is a tell the average was casa voter or is the hopeless campaign contributors gee i wonder so for a circular jumped in pretending to be on...
(Image source: Wikimedia Commons) BY CHRISTINA HARTMAN It’s Washington that got us into this sequester mess — and surprise both sides are trying to convince us it’s the other’s fault. TRANSPORTATION...
The fiscal cliff is looming and although President Obama says he wants to reach across the aisle and have a balanced approach to solving the Bush tax cuts expiration that will cripple the economy, he...