Troy baker

Niko: No, the only Cowboys fan who gets it is Troy and you all shit on him. NOS: Okay, shut the fuck up. Troy does not get it. Niko: Troy gets it man. NOS: Troy is a pessimistic little shit. Troy is a...
Hi! I'm Nika Harper, and this is the show, Wordplay. This episode we're discussing children's books and how very special they are. When you think about it, children's...
In this video, we will learn how to easily use the data provided by Maskarad, Di-O-Matic’s automatic markerless facial performance capture solution, in maya. We have a head here which has been set up...



JERI RYAN: I'm Jeri Ryan. I'm an actress. I'm right now on "Body of Proof" on ABC, but I'm probably best known for Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager....
It's probably too late to buy a PS3, but if you already own one, you've got to check out "The Last Of Us"... Hello and welcome to "The World According To...
My name is John Bain. I'm more commonly known on the Internet as Totalbiscuit. I run a channel called "Cynical Brit" on YouTube, and I specialize in game first impressions,...
WIL WHEATON: Hello, internet. [CACKLING] Your Wil Wheaton is being held hostage in my lair. [CACKLES] Watch this TableTop Gag Reel and no one gets hurt. Hmm? Today, on TableTop, Jeri Ryan, Kari...
♪ It ain't me ♪ ♪ It ain't me ♪ ♪ It ain't me ♪ ♪ I ain't no senator's son, oh! ♪ ♪ It ain't me! ♪ ♪ It ain't me ♪ ♪ It ain't me ♪ ♪ I...