hands it uh... and doing this video has a promise uh... before the end of the year com and just wanted to do uh... follow-up from mine interview on transition radio dot net and uh... if you think that...
my name is Bernard and I am a transgender male right now I am Pre op, pre T. But I do you have an appointment with dr ashley davis on Wednesday which is two days from now so i'm pretty excited...
Hey, everyone. I'm Jonathan and I'm brand new to tumblrtransits. First of all, happy fourth of July, everyone. I'm wearing red, white, and blue. My shorts are red. I'll...
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All right, so we're going to see how well this works out, and it's probably not going to work out very well because my camera's dying. So we're going to see how far we...
So I just wanted to thank Melvin for including me in this channel because I am really excited about what is going to come of it, because as far as I know it's pretty much the first kind and...
My name is Storm Miguel Florez and I am a Mexicana American, singer songwriter. I haven’t performed in a college campus in a really long time. It reminds me back in the day when I was a young lesbian...
>> ELIJAH: Hey everybody. It’s Elijah. Um, I was just watching a transwoman that’s here on the YouTube community doing a video about her fears when she decided to transition, what...
Hey, it's Shira Lazar backstage at the Grammys, brought to you by Turbo Tax BT nominated for best electronics. Best dance album. Yep I love it. I love electronic music. It's pretty...