There's also a dopamine one

Okay so we start up with some general considerations hang in here with me, this is the most dense part of this class when we move into psychopharmacology per se it's going to take on much...
Host:Hello and welcome to HealthiNation. I’m Pat Murphy Stark. Restless Legs Syndrome a lot of people wonder whether this is a real health problem. Although it sounds strange, if you ask one of the...
There are a number of treatment options for the ADHD adults. I'll start by talking about prescription options just because that seems to be the most well known to people. It's not...
There are three main treatments for major depression, and they are often used together to achieve the best results. The treatments most commonly used are: -medication therapies -therapy or counseling...
[MUSIC PLAYING] MIR IMRAN: There are so many moonshots here I think the trouble we have is figuring out, ranking them. Mine is really rather mundane. I'm focused on health care. So in the US...
And the last part here before we jump into these drugs is the structure and function of this GABA Chloride Ion Channel that we can see right here. So just taking a first look at it right, this is a...
high and we see from New York City and I just want to make this you've got a great product that actually that means you can take my caffeine addiction and so is really a ticket scalping I...
If you do feel the symptoms of RLS, there are several things you can do on your own to manage it. Don't fight the urge to move your legs; it will only make things worse. Get up and move around...