Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to YouNews, the TV tube for who have nothing to do Good! And now lets go with the news it seems.. it seems... IT SEEMS.....! that at a certain age at a certain time would...



(Peter) Bahaha (Terminator) Peter, your soul is mine. (Peter) Do the Hawk, Do the hawk (Peter) No, No, NO! (Terminator) Peeee-terrrr (Death Cry) (Death Cry) (Death Cry) (Death Cry) (Death Cry) (Peter)...



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Hi guys, I'm back with more Terminator 2 for the GameBoy Colour Or the original GameBoy Let's mash up some Terminators And I found Angry Video Game Nerd's review a bit unfair...
Exterminador - As Crónicas da Osga Espera, espera, deixa-me apanhar o machado. Mãe... Mãe, vem aqui à luz falar. Vem aqui à luz falar. Eu não posso mandar uma cajadada na osga com isto? Não! Mais...



Guys, I'm back with part 4. Ugh, these probes are doing my head in! Oh yeah! They're as dead as dead can express. Dead can't express anything but... This boss I've...
alan spawns in front of the door Just show like a light And him on one knee Then the door scene okay so alan walks in and i guess we will leave what we already had planed If anything a bright light in...
cambridge university in helping out what's being done that the terminator center and actually it is that is at the center for study and axa centuries which is going to evaluate all the...
.....I used to be white, but I changed my appearance after getting on the wrong side of the Russian mafia. Interesting. Hi, I am Hugh Jass, and I'm joined by award-winning feminist author,...
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