it was a story and deathly spring day across the deep south so through the twenty four-hour loop here almost two hundred tornadoes had occurred and unfortunately over three hundred and fifteen...
This video covers team task 3, advanced searching in web of science. You can follow along with the student handout for the library session of University Foundations 200. Web of Science is a database...



(SONAR BEEPING) I'm picking up a very strange signal. (ALARM BEEPING) -What just happened? -We're losing electrical power. Something's interfering with the systems. -Officer...



[ Music ] >> Good morning. >> Good for you. >> Say, get me out of the hospital. >> I want to go home. >> I've been...



It's playdoh surprise time! I'm Having2MuchFunNow! Pink egg.... Here comes the Surprise!: 3,2,1... It's The Hulk, from Squinkies! Do you collect Squinkies? Next pick,...
(CREATURE ROARING) (COUGHING) (PRAYING IN LATIN) (CREATURE ROARING) (PRAYER CONTINUES) Only you can save us from the beast, Sir William. God bless and keep you in His enterprise. Father. (CREATURE...
MUSIC (Jingle bells playing in background) >>ERICH GREY LITOFF: So how many of you have ever seen the movie Zookeeper? This is Bernie. The wonderful folks at Amalgamated Dynamics Inc.,...
Hi, everybody. We're on day two of taping Webmaster videos. This is the 48th video that we've taped so far. And we were looking over the infographic of the different Matt Cutts videos....