Alex: It's Victor, he is the zombie killer. Victor: HMmm Alex: How do you kill the zombies? Alex: huh Victor: huh Alex: Clicking your finger like that? Alex: With a sniper, or what? Victor: I...



The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in...
[MUSIC PLAYING - BENNI CINKLE, "CAN YOU SEE ME NOW"] I'm Benni Cinkle, and I just released my music video for my new song "Can You See Me Now." You may...
Soyuzmultfilm Ivan Ivanovich has taken ill Ivan Ivanovich has taken ill... Scenario Sergei Mikhalkov Tekst read by Igor Ilyinsky Directoral and artistic sketches for the film Mikhail Tsekhanovsky...
Hi. It's Mr.Andersen and this is chemistry essentials video 70. It's on solubility. You've probably noticed that if we add salt to water it will dissolve. But if we add more...
TrollsNews today Megaupload taken down Trollympics result Good evening and welcome to another episode of TrollsNews, show that brings you all the important information about trolls or just a random...
I met a guy yesterday who absolutely loved his business. That wasn't the problem. Here's where this gentleman went wrong... The first thing that came out of his mouth on our initial...
One of the most common lies that satan likes to tell people, To get them to surrender to Him, Is that nobody loves them, that even the Lord doesn't love them, And that they might as well quit...
published all the Los Angeles Lakers is putting out a bit book a pic a book that's the word call like now over the past four years he has been traveling like crazy he's been with the...