Okay, we've got all of the strands of our t-shirt beaded and we're ready for finishing touches. We're going to just tie off each one of our strands, and I like to use a square...
How to Make a Scarf Out of an Old T-Shirt. If you have a stack of old T-shirts that sit in your dresser, unworn, why not get some use out of one of them by transforming it into a scarf? You will need...
Welcome to Tshirts Canada dot com T-shirts for Women If you are looking for a good selection of t-shirts for women we have a variety of choices available for you. We do custom printing on t-shirts...
Hi, I'm Melina Piroso. Welcome to Expert Village. The next step after threading your machine before you sew, is you have to pin down the neckline. So it's a little tricky because...
Hi, I'm Melina Piroso and welcome to Expert Village. For the following step, we're going to apply Swarovski crystals to our shirt. So Swarovski crystals, they sell a special type of...
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www.blueraytshirts.co.uk brings you premium scuba dive T shirts that are original designs from the UK artist Tom Bloomfield. Our tees are adorned with superb images of sharks, whales, famous wrecks,...
Illustrator can also be used to create graphics for print on t-shirts. In this exercise, we'll create a digital design for the front and backside of a t-shirt. To help visualize how the design...