Why did I choose to live in New York? I think coming to the big city... There are more opportunities More challenging, more growing I came to New York because it is a city of Jazz In which I want to...
>> Julian Singleton My name is Julian Singleton and I’m from Dover, Pennsylvania. Well, I have a tendency to get lost easily so Pioneer Experience really helped give me a good layout of...
The Stern Grove festival sounded off its 75th season on a high note. Grammy Award winner Anita Baker was the finale of the first Sunday afternoon of free music for the family, which included San...
What are the benefits of ballet dancing? This is a commonly asked question, and there are many, many benefits to ballet dancing. It helps with strength, flexibility, grace, poise, knowledge of art...
Nightmare Are you wondering how they calculated the Avogadro constant? No It was calculated by Amadeo Avogadro. Funny, his name is similar to Mozart. The greatest composer of all time. Since...
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at 5 am, a hunter awoke, and left his home to the forest he strode, and readied his bow. until nightfall he roamed, without any luck, both hunger and thirst held him. frowning and upset, he went back...
I’m flying all on my own through the night sky The moonlight reflects off my white wings Over the water, I touch the surface Now, I wonder if I’ll land gracefully As the music begins I move without...
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