(screaming, swearing, screaming) Hi guys, welcome to Scare U. I'm Dr. Margee Kerr - Scare Specialist at The ScareHouse Like the song says, let's start at the very beginning......
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a filmpoem imagined by bobie One winter evening scorching, I saw the light and I entered. Entered into myself, Behind the curtain closed of my heavy eyelids, Padlocked by my fears and fears. The...
Alright, I'm sitting in my car right now and I'm waiting for my wife... For some reason I can't make a hotspot with my cell phone...something is going on...Kinda bored. I want...
READ ALL OF THE DESCRIPTION!!! someone who do you think someone who houston notes and surely syndrome crystals resources i've chosen goes listen to him this morning boland who as much as you...
Hi my name is Matt Cail on behalf of expertvillage.com I'm here today to talk about skeleton makeup. The last part we are going to need to represent on the skeleton makeup is the area between...
Hello. Today's video is how to color your eyebrows for cosplay. So here's what you'll need. A matte eyeshadow in the color of your choice. Cream makeup that matches this...
Melanie Adamski: I know that many of our students at QC Makeup Academy are very exited to get into the field of makeup for fashion and runway. What advice do you have for those students? Nathan...
So, the reason I like to invert one of these skulls out onto a piece of card or a piece of index card or playing card is because if you just try to invert it out onto your table or onto your cookie...
Hey, guys! I'm Laura Kelly for ScareHouse, and today I'm at the Great American Water Balloon Fight at the beautiful Highmark Stadium in Pittsburgh. Team Tassy, the organization behind...

