Hi, I'm Marianne Howell Wright. When you're thinking about purchasing a new home in a new home neighborhood, something that's really important to look at, that's often...
Can l tell you a story? Once in the deep jungles of Chambal there lived a gang of dacoits... Sister, you're getting big money, right? How much will you give me? l'll not cheat you....
I, I just want to find it I just want to see what the moon's shining on And I just want to know What the day is running from And I just want to try it I just want to see how it fits on me And...
Hi there. I'm Harry from use-IP and today we have an unboxing of the Dahua 1.3 Megapixel bullet outdoor camera, order IPC-HFW 2100P. Let's get into the box. The first thing we...



Sailboats wish that they were stars, Floating softly in the sky, Among the spheres that bid goodbye. Moving through transparent seas, Drifting through the stratosphere, And onward till they disappear....
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Hey, right now we're in the middle between 18th and 17th, near Valencia And right across the street right there, that building with all the colors, that's a thrift store and then...
I'll sure turning now sure my hard are all are here for a while there expand for for for are her her her after honor for for winter you know governor on when I their first Turner time her...
[music] >>You’ll find them on street lights and light poles throughout the world – Pole Banners are one become of the most cost-effective forms of event promotion available. While many...