MUSIC (Jingle bells playing in background) >>ERICH GREY LITOFF: So how many of you have ever seen the movie Zookeeper? This is Bernie. The wonderful folks at Amalgamated Dynamics Inc.,...
Hello. My name is Amy Dallen and I am coming to you from Geek and Sundry's off-site location at San Diego Comicon which was, of course, at Jolt'n Joe's. This is the last day of...
Shannon: Hi, I'm Shannon Shea for the Stan Winston School of Character Arts and today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about setting up your home studio. You're going to...
Blind people are just like sighted people, they expect different things when they walk into a museum or art gallery. So there's a lot of variance between blind people. The important thing for...
Army of Darkness Vs. Boomstick Indiana Jones Battles DOS Keep Roland, rollin, rollin 'The Who' abstract tapir art #9 Run T.W.I.X. 'King Crimson' Tapir art #7 Obey...
- Okay! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, at HLUW Yspertal and Yspertal's secondary school - I'm actually not sure which school this gym belongs to? HLUW, okay! Now, before we can...
Hello. I'm Chris D-IV... ...and since my parents now one that date... i'd like to show you... claymated characters and... ...and I think it's downstairs in the...
Call it fate, call it karma... I believe everything happens for a reason. It was fate-slash-karma that led me to reviewing pretty much the entire launch lineup of the NES. Who could’ve forseen that...