How does John F. Kennedy think during the Cuban Missile Crisis? You need to know one thing about Kennedy before we move directly to the crisis and that is what he did as a young man in the South...
North Korea fired two short-range missiles off its eastern coast on Monday morning,... the second such launch in under a week. South Korea's defense ministry condemned the launch, saying it is...
We begin with the latest on North Korea's binge of missile firings... On Tuesday... Pyongyang launched several projectiles into the East Sea... in another sign of its apparent protest against...
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's lavish spending accounted for nearly half of what the young leader spent on the country's ballistic-missile program in 2012. Citing the UN Commission...
The United Nations has extended a mandate for sanctions on North Korea, saying the regime remains a serious concern to international security. This in response to a request from South Korea and the...
Missiles and Fire Control was created in 1999 with the combination of two great companies-- Vox Systems in Grand Prairie, Texas and Electronics and Missiles in Orlando, Florida. The two units were...
(Image source: Wikimedia Commons / Alan R. Wycheck) 

BY TYLER FINE Seventeen military officers are being stripped of their authority to control — and potentially launch — nuclear weapons after...
We start with the latest development out of North Korea... Inter-Korean relations seemed to be going on the right track... as seen with the success of the two rounds of reunions for war-separated...
China's military can destroy five out of six U.S. bases in Asia with waves of missile strikes as the result of its large-scale military buildup that threatens U.S. access and freedom of...