Some projects i never finished

Hello! We love you all! My name is Jack R. Gannon. I wrote a book that you will see very shortly. Also, the lady who is sitting next to me is my wife, Rosalyn. I will let her introduce herself in a...
During one month we'll know the truth, The reality of Millions of chileans, that even if they're not considered "poor" by the statistics, They are really vulnerable....
This taxi driver is no ordinary one He's an inventor who has changed the lives of people with special needs in the Gaza Strip Munther Al-Qasas, is known as the "Driver of the...
Hey, everyone! Blackbeard here! And welcome to another Channel Update. I have 3 announcements to make today. The first is that Sparhawk is streaming his first time ever playing a main series Pokémon...
[Darris McNeely] In this Beyond Today series on "To Be A Disciple", becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, we've been talking about commitment. Last time, I misspelled the word...
[Darris McNeely] Two years ago in Africa, in Kenya, I stood at the edge of a field, and I watched two men with a yoke of oxen plow this field, turning the rich soil over in preparation for planting....
Narrator: Safety aboard commercial aircraft has become a large concern across the globe. Finding a cheaper means for creating air travel safer through Fiber Metal Laminates is one of the many goals...
As represented by this huge stack of paper, the human genome contains more than three billion nucleotides or DNA letters. The first stage of the public Human Genome Project focused on identifying...
Hi! You may have read in the last day or two some news in the PIC and AVR camps. Microchip and Atmel, for you fanboys out there. Pretty exciting stuff. As you may know, Microchip actually tried to buy...