Some people are just not very smart

>>I have an optimistic view of the future and belief that technology is a positive thing. As an agency or anyone who works in an agency you believe that. That's why you go to...
Unfortunately, the inequality is a reality in our life and because of it, opportunities (of education mainly) almost doesn't exist in some areas. But it doesn't mean that there...
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright! Hey everybody! Michael Gebben here and I'm super excited to be with you on another rockin' Wednesday. So I'm really pumped today...
This is me. I'm a human. These are my parents, they're clearly humans too. My grandfather, human. My great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather? Humans without a doubt. But my...
Hey, guys, its Andrea Travillian with Take A Smart Step.Com where we help you thrive today while still saving for tomorrow. Now, today we're going to address the fact that sometimes money...
Should YOU trust ME? If you're intelligent enough, you can probably figure it out. [[MUSIC PLAYING]] Hey everyone, Laci Green here for DNews. Here's something you might not think about...
>>Ross: A new study from Edinburgh university has found a link between IQ and height, suggesting that those who are shorter are on average more likely to be less intelligent....