one of the things in the in the household i grew up in one of the one of the virtues besides this analytic brilliance that I've described to you that my father carried was a real commitment to...
Commit yourselves to great ideals, to the most important things. We Christians were not chosen by the Lord for little things; push onwards toward the highest principles. Stake your lives on noble...
[Shakira's latest song 'Gypsy' plays in the background as she enters] (Zohreh Tabatabai) Welcome, Welcome Shakira, welcome Director-General, welcome friends. I know that we are...
Hello and welcome to the Social Justice Fund Northwest Site Visit Diaries This is YOU! This is a Potential Grantee On a site visit, you have three main goals as a representative of Social Justice Fund...
At her home in north-eastern Brazil, Marinalva Cardoso Dantas is a single mother with a family to support. At work she is a labour inspector travelling to the most difficult and remote areas of Brazil...
A few of the main things I take with me from Tevel b’Tzedek is.. first of all my experience with the organization as a Jewish organization, as a completely secular person encountering this big title...
Hi, I'm Gara LaMarche, President of the Atlantic Philanthropies. I'd like to welcome you to our website and tell you a bit about what we're doing to promote social justice in...
Yeah, go ahead. Oh wait! Alright. Ok. So anyway. So tonight I wanna to talk about my personal linguistic journey to understand Social Justice. I know very little about Social Justice. I'm...
Social justice means a combination of opportunity and respect for individual rights, economic opportunity and human rights. Here, I think, what we need to recognize is that social justice...