>> Ali Warner: The Awake In The World festival is a four day festival of meditation, art, social vision and its taking place in the center of London. And Awake In The World is actually...
[Nussbaum] Aristotle had the ingredients of a theory of justice... that I think is very powerful. And that is that it's the job of a good political arrangement... to provide each and every...
Zuckerberg: Relationship Status, interested in. This is what drives life in college. Are you having sex your aren't you? It's why people take certain classes and sit where they sit,...
Living in Monterey Bay is my favorite place that I ever lived. It's completely beautiful in the sense that you have the Ocean, and the mountains. Ski resorts aren't so far away so you...
The sap of the barbasco slowly clouds the transparent waters of the river. It is not a poison as such, it does not contaminate or leave residue. The barbasco absorbs the oxygen of the water, and so...
Social Media Hangout Time I am here today with Lisa Saline. Now Lisa Saline is actually Kimmy, the social media puppet. We pulled her out from behind the curtain so that she's working teach...
Alondra Nelson: Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you, Dr. Moses, for that introduction. It's great to be here. Thank you to the organizers for asking me to contribute to this...



My name is Abi and I'm in the graduate school for the School of Social Work, concentrating on mental health. I did my undergrad at the University of Minnesota and then I worked at a nonprofit...
There's a question that maybe comes up for people about whether inclusion is an incremental step on the way to something else, right. This is something that's often been said about...