Libraries as Social Networks - Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Internet Project. Good morning. For those of you that are now joining us my name is Tamara. So, we have invited Karen to introduce our keynote...
[music playing] Hi, I'm Nolan. And I'm Liz. Are you looking for an extra credit this semester? Then, why not check out Alcohol & College Life! Alcohol & College Life is...
Hi, Doctor Russ here. Our self-paced program is designed to help you learn the proven fundamentals of cognitive behavioral therapy in an engaging way while also using tools we provide to help you...
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Social media marketing has truly brought some life back to the Internet. Websites like Facebook and Twitter have captivated the imagination of individuals and companies alike. It seems that everyone...
We are transitions for life mediation Let us assist in your transition to the next phase of your brighter future how does Facebook and social media really cause divorces and with social media...
Hello, well, this is the place that I usually come whenever I want to meet up with my friends. It's a healthy way to come and spend time here on campus. Basically, it's our...
Today we're going to give you some background information on Life in the Colonies. This presentation will discuss the differences between living on a farm and living in the city, as well as...
If you've ever had a pet then you already understand the emotional connection that we as humans can share with an animal. Animals enrich our lives, and without these relationships, we feel our...
I find before I even took this program I was kind of the friend that my friends would come go to say, 'I have this problem or that problem'. They knew I wouldn't judge. I chose...