Oh hey. My name is Shaqueefa. And I'm a ho There's something going on in America It's called SOPA Whatever It means "soup" in Spanish People are starving! We...



~ Joan of Arc: Mystical Messenger ~ England occupied France during the Hundred Years War, begun in 1337. Joan of Arc (1412-1431) was an intelligent, chaste, devout peasant from the tiny, farming...
IT Sales Guy Adam is not happy. He's just lost another sale "Maybe it was the price" said Adam to Dave the Sales Manager. Did you know? "67% of salespeople do not...
CHAPTER 7. BEING BEAVERS; OR, THE YOUNG EXPLORERS (ARCTIC OR OTHERWISE) You read in books about the pleasures of London, and about how people who live in the country long for the gay whirl of fashion...
This going to be some trippy ass shit probably just starts in this room because it's a coop room yeah it is probably because they cannot start on a cut-scene or something You seem to be...
*Breathing* It's lagging now that is going to help to jump over things Hear him laugh Follow that red pacman hahaha i'm really scared that the ghosts are going to come out of the walls...



Hi! Are you looking for a way to build your calluses? This is the Ruff Rider Callus Builder. You have a rough side and a smooth side. You put the smooth side in the palm of your hand and you build the...
If you could create your own TV show what would it be? Can the show be about anything? Sure! No budget constraints, no worrying about the network, just whatever you want it to be. Give me your perfect...
Do you know what seventeen point four million dollars worth of socks looks like? It's well, it's a lot of socks And the results of creating an effective video learning program for a...



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