Yea, it's Corny Different little feel on a weed song Get my phone and jot a verse while I got a beat on Tryna keep my feet on the ground meanwhile I'm tryna put me on From spitting out...
Hi, Lela Bryan here. I am going to talk to you about the best way to quit smoking. So, why don't I recommend cold turkey? I have a lot of reasons. The first one is that awareness is the first...
Hi, I'm Stone Daily, and Welcome to this week in weed. New York Senator Chuck Shumer said that Colorado and Washington should act as experimental laboratories for recreational marijuana...
there are a whole host have quit smoking quitting smoking side effects and not all of them are closed besides the obvious health benefits there are also a number of side effects associated with...
She caught this dude with my f**king bong.. with Yo, I used to invite these white people over right, in New Rochelle I used to invite these white people over I had this hookah it was like this big. It...
smoke weed everyday you in clinical trials are taught religion is proving to lower blood pressure ask your doctor before taking some topics women pregnant women most men should not take such a...
>>DONNIS: I went over there to kill Teddy. >>JENNIFER: Yeah, I remember the story too! [LAUGHTER] >>DEDRA: And I remember him saying that's how he...
I my name is Richard Hendrix no one talking marijuana detox about a sensitive topic marijuana as you pot-smoking change from recreational a bitch or he knows drastic changes in personality in...
Despites its popularity, marijuana is still illegal in many states. Because of this, people often look for ways to quickly detox from it in order to pass drug tests. Unfortunately, unlike other drugs,...