Alright I’m going to show you why uh.. these nitrile gloves 12 incher they’re pretty badass because I guess as reference to this, to the normal size glove Normal size glove you view it to just tattoo...
Welcome to the newest unboxing. In the beginning, I have to apologize, because the battery was empty. A little bit fail. ^^ Here we have all the products, package from Hobbysearch. Let´s go At first,...
In this video Learn about the ipad nephew age 13 he got a new ipad from his parents His parents were busy His uncle was ipad newbie Come back in a few days, I'll see what I can find out How...
1. Mirador in the town of Garnacha by TravelPod member aimeediehl 2. A little visitor that was right by our table. by TravelPod member aimeediehl 3. CHEESE FACTORY by TravelPod member aimeediehl 4....
In this video I want to give you a brief look on what the app does under the hood. So let's bring up the butterfly image again. Internally the image gets discretized to a coarse rectangular...



Time passes, Design My Own Tattoo and with it the fads and trends that accompany each decade revolve in and out of the background. However, they say that everything old becomes new again, and that...
The App Store is full of twee, physics-based puzzlers, each with a cartoon hero, a progression system based on your success in previous stages, and a way of gradually introducing new obstacles as you...



Hi, Guys and Welcome to Studio Knit! Today I'm going to show you how to knit a reusable, eco-friendly Coffee Sleeve. So, put away that paper sleeve and wiggle into your new Jute Twine Coffee...
Tactile Buttons: One of the most amazing things of all of the iPad products is they use tactile buttons. What is a tactile button? A tactile button is a physical button versus what I would call a...
So, this is something me and a friend made in here. And, it's pretty creative. These are actually negatives, so they're big. They're five by seven negatives. And, what we did...