Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight featuring Nidalee, the Bestial Huntress. Nidalee is a fully hybrid champion. She can play as a long-ranged mage, short-range assassin, tanky...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to roflstomp like a boss. In...
Do you want to carry your team to victory with your ButtFucking Friend every single time? Then let uncle Couille show you how to play... To begin the game with a good start, you have two options....
Hé, salut les mecs et les fillettes! CouilleBleu est de retour aujourd'hui pour jouer... Voici les runes, les masteries, la distribution des techniques et les items dont vous aurez besoin...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to piss on everyone doggy...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to stomp your enemies with...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to counter jungle your...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to be the shittiest Kog Maw...
Ever wanted to carry your team to victory and to have way more gold than anybody else in every game? Ever wanted to get your full item build in less than 37 minutes while Zyra, Janna, Leona, Diana,...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... And now, you're going to learn how to play the best Ability Power Leona in your family. If...