CS Unitec - Dry Cutting Saws for Carbon Fiber & Metals. Cutting carbon fiber-reinforced plastic & steel - https://www.csunitec.com CFRTP PA 66 1.5 mm - Carbon Fiber Reinforced...
Hi I'm Zach with Whole Latte Love and today we are here to take a look at the Gaggia New Baby espresso machine. Some of the nice features that this machine does have to offer are that it does...
Hello Massachusetts, my name is Nelson and this is The Nelson Wrap Dispenser. We've designed a dispenser that is able to wrap a Skid from top to bottom without the need of bending over,...



Semiautomatic ToFD inspection TD Pocket-Scan instrument manufactured by AGR Field Operations Magnetic scanner manufactured by CONTEC TARRAGONA TD Scan 17.03 Software realised by AGR Field Operations...



Hi, I'm Holly with Mono Machines and this is the Formax FD 8500CC Cross-Cut Shredder. Its designed for large office use. If you come on in I will show you how it works. It has a 16 inch...



This is the Phoenix platform lift at Halfords, County Oak Retail Park, Crawley Let's call it down Here it is. Let's take it up to one. Oops... you need to hold the button down, even...



the SSR SR-70C was tested at Village Creek motocross track so you can see exactly what this bike is made up the SR-70C is very similar to the coaster 70 an SSR 70 but the C model has a few upgrades at...
Hello, My name is Andrew Quitmeyer, And I am here to tell you about, and develop interest in, an idea, that I would like to call, Semi-Automatic Filmmaking. This is a free, open source system aimed at...
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suzanne welker an effort is consolidates outward gauging in sexual activity in their car in fact well ernest gonzales was driving his car i his girlfriend's is at welfare was giving him orel...