Not even this light can reach that space Not even the names of the flowers do I know Who ever promised to protect us every time? I heard the beautiful blooming flowers ask The seed of the words went...
Sentado en su trono como el gobernante pagano Con sus sirvientes llevando todo el peso Este hombre viene y habla falsa entre la gente Llevandolos por mal camino Este lider romano! Este lider romano!...



Hi! We are here, in Spannabis 2013, we are with Simon, de founder of Serious Seeds Bank And well, now our mate Edu will ask him some questions, ok? Hola Simon. Hi Simon! Nice to meet you. We are going...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Morning Satsang - January 29, 2013 Sadashiva samarambhaam Gnanasambanda madhyamaam Asmadaachaarya Paryanataam Vande Guru Paramparaam I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the...
Hi, I'm Jan from Kitchen Kitchen, and do bananas have seeds? Well, actually, a lot of people think they do, but they do not have seeds at all. They're actually reproduced by planting...
[MUSIC PLAYING] -Hello. Welcome back to another episode. It's the start of February and the sun's out. We've even got a bit of blue sky. But the ground is still sodden and...
It's difficult for any evolutionary biologist to understand some of the arguments against evolution that are in the public domain. I mean, the evidence for evolution is not only overwhelming,...
And what we're doing through the Australian Government Aid program, AusAID and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural research, is improving seed quality. And what that means is...
Hey everybody this is Don from DNA Genetics I want to say hi to Herbies and all the crew out there, we're at Cannafest 2013 and yeah, just want to say what's up to everybody out there...