haal forty seven percent of american workers so worthy of being trashed because they don't earn enough to pay federal income taxes actually there's a there's a fairly good...
I think if you ask entrepreneurs, would you have done it? No. If you knew how hard it would be, most would have said no. But because you're young and, in my case, you were quite naive, you...



Chris Miller: Thank you. Hi, I'm Chris Miller from Wash U. I'm going to be talking to you today about tumor heterogeneity, clonal evolution, and how we're using sequencing to...
Let's get started with some problems. Let's see. First problem: what is 15% of 40? The way I do percent problems is I just convert the percentage to a decimal and then I multiply it...
Write 18% as a decimal and as a fraction in simplest form. So let's do it as a decimal first. So 18% is the same thing as 18 per 100, or 18 per cent. I'm actually separating out the...
We're asked to shade 20% of the square below. Before doing that, let's just even think about what percent means. Let me just rewrite it. 20% is equal to-- I'm just writing it...
我知道女人喜歡定義男生的類型, 有外貌稱帥哥,不出門叫宅男。 有錢未婚會被捧為金龜婿, 缺錢待業被人指指點點認作流浪漢。 身為是男人的我,以自身長期的體會, 我腦海中的男人就只分為兩種, 50%與100% 50%的人總是徘徊在感性與理性間, 而不能一心二用的100%卻只能擇一。 這兩種人能相互體諒嗎? 或許...... 怎麼真的有人把遲到當做一種習慣啊! 而且照這個情形看來, 那傢伙會不會出現,還...



Задачата ни е да определим процентите, количеството и основата. Пита се 150 е 25% от колко? Казано по друг начин, 25% от някое число .. нека оцветим 25% в жълто. 25% от кое число ни дава 150. Така,...



كم نسبة ال100 في ال80؟ هذا النوع من المسائل تربك الاشخاص لأنها خادعة بعض الشيئ لاحتوائها على 100 و 80 لكن ما هو مطلوب منا هو ايجاد نسبة وهذا ما يزعج الافراد فيقولون، هل علينا ان نقسم 80 من 100؟...

