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So now that my pointer is set where I want it to be I would just swing it out of the way cause it is on the turntable. And when I return it, it would be exactly where I want to be in the first place....
So once both of your pieces have set up to leather hard which means you can rub your finger across them without leaving much of a indention but it is easy to put your fingernail and leave a indention...
It's 12:01 am on Saturday morning I've been seeing some wierd things happening in our house So I just set up these cameras around the house just so that if anything happens I have it...



Vibrato is commonly used in classical saxophone but you can use it in any John Roe music. It is probably most famous in old opera singing and you know any time you hear an opera singer a lot of times...



Hi! My name is Leslie Burnick and I’m speaking on behalf of Expertvillage.com. Today I’m going to talk about proper care of the saxophone. Even though the saxophone is made of brass, it does have...



Its very important to really distinguish the three steps. So many times when students are breathing, they'll just.. and I'll see some good parts in there, but its not distinguished....
O'kay now we are going to go over the minor arpeggio exercise that I love so much. This is similar to the major arpeggio but we are flatting the third and that is about it in this one. Real...



I am going to give you a brief fingering overview of the saxophone. This is, again, kind of little posture lesson. Basically your hand needs to be positioned like mine is here (my left hand)....



There's a system. Line system and a space system, based on the alphabet system. So, as long as you know your alphabet, up to G anyway, you can understand this system, okay? First line is E....