Yeah, I'm the Magic Man at the Magic School I rescued 17 chickens one day I'm the Magic Man, got a magic goose Them chickens do stuff I can't explain to you My life is a macaroni dream Little white...



íÇ Çáåí¡ ÃÏã ÚáíäÇ åÐå ÇáäÚãÉ Çáì ÇáÃÈÏ God, may this joy Last forever. ÈÇáÊÃßíÏ¡ ÇáÂä ÃßËÑ ãä Ãí æÞÊ Indeed, now more than ever. ÓíÏ ÈÇΡ ÃÎíäÇ ÇáãÍÈæÈ ÞÏ æÇÝÇå ÇáÃÌá Mr. Bach, our beloved brother...



MBC 2 تم نقل الترجمة عن "بواسطة "محمد مجدي ضم وتعديل التوقيت بواسطة Nimo (Mahmoud7711@Yahoo.Com) "مارشالات الولايات المتحدة" الهارب"الجزء الثاني"...



00:00:02،197 --> 00:00:04،358 ترجمة GrMo HaDy هى ترجمة بسيطة والى لية نفس يعدل عليها [الرعد قرقرة] [قرقرة تواصل] [قرقرة يبهت] -- [لهيث] -- [ضحك] [المرأة] ¶ لا توجد طريقة...
I was hiding And it was silent Kind of lonely And you looked different And I've been waiting Behind the curtains Always wishing but never certain And you never thought you'd find me But I always knew...



Satisfy me, Love me Stupefy me, Love me Satisfy me, Love me Stupefy me, Love me Seriously, Love me Steadily ,my lover Specially, and love me Silently, and love me Sexually, and love me Satisfy Escape...



Hey, Hulkees. Our poll is finished. And you, our awesome viewers, have chosen the subject for our next collection of epic fail videos. Our previous clips, "Skaar picks his nose" and...
1 I'm telling you, greenie, it's firepower that makes the real hero. Blasters, rockets, things that go boom! Any clown knows that. Yeah, well, I know real heroes come from here. A hero goes the...
Yo, Hulkees, we're Some kind of dimensional breach opening down there, and it's up to team green to check it out. Well, for once, it'd be nice to travel for fun instead of work. Smashing not work,...
Surf's up, hulk-watchers. Me and skaar are hitting the beach to make some new pals. Hey, what's up, beach peeps? (crowd screaming) Nice trunks, dude! Skaar not sure about this. Chill, skaar. We're...