After the impressive No man's land by TravelPod member arnaudfoubert Trans-saharan railroad by TravelPod member arnaudfoubert Few kms away from Nouadhibou by TravelPod member arnaudfoubert...
Sir, if I may make a suggestion for you, I would recommend the strawberry sprinkled... Wheatley: Oh for God's... the selection isn't even that big to begin with! Wheatley: You could...
Previously, in The Visitor From The Future.   Losing civilians in the future is a mistake with serious consequences, you understand?   So this really has to stay between us.   Oh no. We're in...



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1,600 pandas under the Atlantic’s an attractive collaboration with Audencia. Indeed, we had been coming to attend conferences, and there was collaboration, there were friendships that were...
- Commits suicide with a fake gun - Hello YouTube! Welcome back, Im MrHairyBrit it's that time of the year again, it's Reality TV show deluge time. You know when deluded kids get their...
No, we don't get it back as far as? Occasionally, when you know? Cases legally marry? Was legal, but it in a hundred percent legal. And he can walk into a restaurant roa joint star puffing...
Life had me blue and black till someone came and changed me back Now you see life these colors shimmering around you You must decide to risk your heart for love to find you you know we ought to be...
So that's Beethoven's ninth I think it looks good it you know it crescendos nicely with the music It looks like a mountain And a hard one to climb To come up with something that based...



What I enjoyed most this summer was actually the international atmosphere that we had during the whole Summer School. There were so many people from all over the world, loads of them were...