"Flaxseeds for Sensitive Skin" About half of the American population says they have sensitive skin, defined loosely as tingling, chafing, burning, itching sensations when exposed to...
"Raisins vs. Jellybeans for Athletic Performance" After about an hour of strenuous exercise, long-distance athletes can really start to deplete their glycogen stores, the...
Okay, so after you've examined the dry tea leaves, you're going to create a weak infusion. And the way we're going to do that, is we're going to put our leaves in our...
So how much tea do you use to make your cup of tea? Depends on how much water you're using. I always use a standard, instead of eight ounce cup, I do a sixteen ounce, cause most of our mugs...



And now we know how to make iced tea in hot water but how do you make tea using cold water? It's called a cold brew. You have to start with the right type of water which is spring water or...
How long should you brew tea for? Starting with the right amount of tea, the right type of water, the right water temperature, you want to make sure you're brewing it with the right brewing...
Hi, I'm Nelson Drago with Chado Tea Room located in Los Angeles on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip we will be talking about Rooibos, red tea from South Africa. Rooibos comes from red...
Maybe you went down to your specialty tea store and you bought a Green and a Black, and maybe you bought a Rooibos or a White tea. Maybe you bought a whole bunch of different kinds because you wanted...
So you are making some teas and you've got a cup of ice tea and you are tasting it and it's like there's some bitter after taste. How do I get rid of it? First is to start with...
Hi, I'm Nelson Drago with Chado Tea Room located in Los Angeles on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip we will be talking about Mate Teas. Mate's are a strong Argentinean herb...