We have known each other from 7 years, We are married 3 years We met on pilgrimage I'm a doctor, I work in Center of Oncology in Bialystok Dorotka, she is a teacher, she works with children in...
Hi, I'm Ania We are going to record my ordinary day of life I'm going to tell you, Ernest is going to show it -Good morning My ordinary day of life, starts at 6:30 Wake up! I get on...
I would like to tell you something about sports that are played in our city There are plenty of them... but I would like to focus on three of them We will visit a climbing wall in a shopping centre. I...
infográfico uma hora polski o quinto agora atender doentes o edital só com a prata não beto alex morar 5 o quanto quiser o pohang steelers em uma clínica assunto ae o hulu com fonte o estupro o ator...
The family is a holy thing in Palestine, and we are proud of it. My name is Rabeh El Asy. I'm Palestinian. This is my wife Wafaa. We have been married for 27 years. The oldest child is our son...
Mariusz Max Kolonko presents: Discovering America. When it begins it's more popular here than the Super Bowl. Just like in the football league, fans have their favorites, and gallery of stars....



300 miles to heaven. Jedrek ? Come up here... Come Closer Come Beat it kid! Yo won't live to see tomorrow. Don't talk to me... Time ? 07:32 AM Where is it flying to ? North... How does...
18 months prior to the terrorist attack in Boston Russian intelligence informed the Americans that the assassin's mother and her son are militant Islamists. No other info concerning this case...



My wiemy,że Discovery Channel, History Channel i te wszystkie oficjalne kanały przekręcają informacje.Niedawno byłem w księgarni, powinniscie się też wybrać i bacznie zaobserwować. Możecie tam...



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