In this clip I am going to be talking about how to deal with and treat sore nipples. If your nipples are feeling sore and uncomfortable, one way to help alleviate that is by using a really nice nipple...
Hi, in this clip I'm going to show you how to use a nursing cover up which is similar to the nursing shawl, just a little bit different. This is a nursing cover up. There are many out on the...
Now I'm going to be talking about getting a good latch. A good latch is vital to comfortable to breastfeeding and to not getting damaged. I am going to show you a different pillow this time....
I'm going to talk about how you can relieve a blocked duct. Some women are prone to blocked ducts, and that happens when your milk gets stuck in one of the ductal systems and then it backs up...
My name is Doctor Randy Hyde and I have Amy with me, appreciate you being here. We're going to talk about Diurnal Enuresis or daytime wetting. Randy, tell me is daytime wetting the same thing...



My name is Dr. Randy Hyde. I want to talk to you about the physiological basis of nocturnal enuresis, or bed wetting, night time bed wetting. It's a biological factor, that is, has a...



My name is Dr. Randy Hyde. Amy and I are going to be talking about the difficulty that enuresis causes for parents. So, Randy, as difficult as bed wetting, or daytime wetting is for a child, it can...
Today I'm going to talk about basics of breastfeeding, to help you hopefully avoid some of the common problems that new mothers experience in early breast feeding. Some of the items that...
((HOST EMILY FRANCES-HOW TO MOM TV)) ���� Hello Everyone. This is Emily Frances and welcome to HOW TO MOM TV. Today we are talking about baby carriers. I don�t know about the rest of you but...
Hi my name is Andrea Orta Mashburn and today I am going to discuss how to get a breastfed baby to gain weight. When having concerns about your breastfed baby in gaining weight the first thing that you...