this s_l_ transported by square space the global commission on drug policy at released its report and by the way the commission is made up of former leaders from various different countries right and...
the right wing bloggers bless their hearts are just absolute they have to use the result of a woman is at the end of the the floating around for quite a while one is he actually wasn't born in...
dark arctic cat is that first news from you today that and buckets full of it for most loved every issue uh... health care is in patterns the reform is in that's for sure bed everything...
susan salad off is a former attorney and the director of the documentary hot coffee susan it straight to talk to you uh... i wanted first for you tell us a little bit about uh... how we have seen over...
in afghanistan the said that they might deal with the moderate taliban and i had my resolutions about that as well a given the problems history and i a lot of moderation going on in the taliban...
on-base late day i mean almost a week after we're talking about still the white house crap are you kidding me olc badass no can look into what the secret service allowed it thinks that...
we have to be interesting photos for you guys abcam grassings plesae take a look path fiberglass adopt you fucking bitch and yeah you know we have now nambiar caveat uh... dot a pet that order dot...
and anti-gay and that was posted on youtube the trouble with this is we don't know which organization made this we don't know who is just an individual and i also don't know if...
please suscribe dang trip got six so uh... uh... doesn't race tightening is still a little near union sq infiltrated watching statistic discontinued wasn't really means conceded yahoo...
number one overshadowed by uh... then make a wish atticus period here o_j_ coded another uh... msnbc program with a one hour with you uh... he's on a date can you send are weak no i he was on...