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Hi, I'm Rachel for Expert Village. Now after we are finish making the frosting we are ready to put it in the cake. Before I just want to show you that I'm cutting the edges so it would...
Our next step were going to take our baking soda and our vinegar and we're going to add. Now, I don't mind using the same utensils, I don't use a different one every time and...
We're going to take these over to the oven. We're going to let these bake for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. It's really going to depend on the type of oven that...
Hi, I'm Jennifer Cail, and on behalf of Expert Village, I'm going to show you how to make this delicious, traditional red velvet cake. With our sugar and cream cheese creamed together,...
Hi! I'm Jennifer Cail and on behalf of Expert Village, I am going to show you how to make this delicious traditional Red Velvet Cake. Our next step now that our butter is creamed, is to add...
Before we get started let's talk about what we need to bake and some other utensils that we need. We're going to use these nonstick pans and makes a huge difference. Please buy...
So we're going to start by adding the eggs in one at a time, and mixing them. Going to crack this open, drop one egg, and then we're going to mix. You want to make sure that you mix it...
Hi, I?m Jennifer Cail and on behalf of Expert Village, I?m going to show you how to make this delicious traditional red velvet cake. To balance out the flour mixture that we just added into our cake...
Hi! I'm Jennifer Cail and on behalf of Expert Village, I am going to show you how to make this delicious traditional Red Velvet Cake. The next step is going to be mixing up the majority of our...