Hello my name is Karl James owner of Creolsoul catering located in Round Rock, Texas and on be Expert Village I'm here to show you a chipotle hot sausage recipe. Okay now we got our sausage...
Rang is in my every action, he's in the face of every child. Praise rang. Those shrooms suck Oh my God, you actually have it? Winston take a bite of this. Sam, open your pocket Go give that to...
Hi I'm Karl James owner of Creolesoul Catering located in Round Rock, Tx and on behalf on Expert Village i'm here to show you a chicken marsala recipe. Our next step here is to prep...
Why I'm Done with "RINO" Accusations Twitter Personality of the Week #6: 10 Questions for Emily Borkholder (@hostagehoosier) Twitter Personality of the Week #5: 10 Questions...
And now for our conclusion speaker, a lady who really doesn't need much introduction because she lives and breathes and understands the issues we're facing here in Lake Tahoe....



Hi my name is Karl James owner of Cresolesoul Catering located in Round Rock, Tx and on behalf of Expert Village I'm here to show you how to make Boudin. Now that we have time we're...
the other thing about this issue is that solving so much of it is within our own control and this is not about pointing fingers and blaming the system for the fact that people aren't healthy...
Hi i'm Karl James owner of Creolesoul Catering located in Round Rock, Tx and on behalf of Expert Village i'm here to show you a chicken marsala recipe. Now at this point were going to...
When we're wasting food we're not only wasting the actual food, we're wasting the energy that was used to produce the food and process it and to transport it. We're...