Hey it's Thomas from BuyStraightRazors.co so, uh, today I'm going to be shaving with a straight razor. I bought this at an antique shop so I guess it's like, you know, one of...
Hey guys it's Thomas from um... buystraightrazors.co not .com I registered it without an "m" so anyways uh... today I'm going to show you how to begin using a uh......
[music] >> T: Hey guys, Welcome back to Sourcefed, I’m Trisha Hershberger >> E: and I’m Elliott Morgan >> T: and for anyone out there concerned about what...
Hey it's Thomas from BuyStraightRazors.co so I'm trying a new camera angle today to try to get a little closer so I'm going to, be trying to focus on the jawline where a lot of...
Braun Electric Shaver Review: https://BraunElectricShaver.reviews-hq.org/BraunElectricShaver.html Click Link to the Left to discover the Best Electric Shaver reviews and Braun Electric Shaver discounts...
My name's Sheldon. I'm from Florida. And I currently use the Gillette disposable. Ready for the faceoff? I am. We got a faceoff. To the sink. Do you feel like you're getting a...



My job entails me to shave every day. Bust out the Gillette Fusion. I just thought it was nice, five blades. I like this shave. I do. I thought it was smooth, but until I used the ProGlide--...
The Gillette blade cartridge is better than ever. Engineers at Gillette not only added more blades to Gillette Fusion, they also narrowed the span between them to form a unique, five-blade shaving...
Uh... so I've washed off all that hair so now I'm just going to relather, and uh... do another pass. I really should start shaving my head every day so that way I get that much better...
Really, just let it flow. It's nothing hard, it just becomes a natural behavior in the morning. Okay, now, I do go against the grain in some areas to lift up the beard. In this area here, I do...