The Scientific Guidance Panel advises Biomonitoring California on many issues, such as which chemicals to measure in California residents. Dr. Wilson, did you have a comment? Would you entertain a...
Hello and welcome to "Health for a Lifetime" I'm your host Don Macintosh, and today I'm delighted to be talking with Patti Barnes Welcome Patti! Thank you Don Now you...



One of the things about being pregnant is that, the physical presence of carrying a baby, can affect your feelings about intimacy with your partner. And, also, your partners feelings about being...



Okay, by now you know the basics of Darwin’s greatest and most famous contribution to our understanding of the world—natural selection, but did you know that he is also the author of one of the most...



Hey . My name is Michael Hutchinson. I want tell you story about rainbow baby. Once upon time, father and mother married. Father really want a son real bad. So wife decide ok. They mate. 9 months...



If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, you must watch this video! Last week, I came across this incredible holistic pregnancy program written by a nutritionist and a health consultant. Her name...
...La ecografía en el embarazo se empezó a desarrollar... ...en los años 70... ...y se ha extendido tanto que hoy consideramos importante... ...realizarlas al menos 3 veces en un control de embarazo...



We offer both one to one sessions – counselling, advice and support – and then people can come along to groups. We offer a Birth Fathers and a Birth Mothers group an opportunity for people to get...



So, who should you have with you when you give birth? The most important thing is to have a labor companion. This labor companion can be your life partner, a family member, a friend, anyone who is...
I thought I was supposed to look glowing and happy right now. How should I feel at 9 weeks pregnant? Tired and nauseous are pretty standard for that time frame. What do you mean? About four out of...