I'm Michael I work as a bike technician for Go Outdoors in the Milton Keynes store. In this video I'm going to show you how to clean and lubricate your bikes chain. Its very important...
MICKEY DENONCOURT: Riding a steep descent on a cyclocross bike can be one of the most terrifying things you do all season. There's so much--there are so many things that sort of keep this from...
Hi, this is Jeff from Two Wheeler Dealer, and I'm going to talk with you about how to set up your road bike for racing. Probably one of the biggest upgrades or changes that you can make to the...
市場には技術的に優れた 真のシクロクロス(CX)バイクが欠けていた 私たちのCXへの愛なしでは “Boone”は誕生しなかった トレックが持つ技術を駆使したCXバイクを作れば 他社を遥かに上回るバイクが作れることはわかっていた “IsoSpeedテクノロジー”はカンチェラーラが「フランドル」や「パリ~ルーベ」等の 最も重要なクラシックに勝利するために開発された...
The last and my very very favorite is what is called stage race. Stage races are so much fun because you are going to get 3 races over 2 or 3 days. Most stage races start out with a time trial. That...
I want to talk a minute about choosing your bike. The very first thing you need to do when looking for a bike is to go to a good bike shop and get what is called a bike fitting. You want to know...
Welcome to RaceMyGhost where powerful technology turns indoor cycling into addictive exercise. Using the Wahoo Fitness iPhone bike case or ANT+ dongle, your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad can receive...
Now I've talked a lot about the end of the race. The last mile or the last lap in getting in that good positioning for the sprint. Well what is the sprint. That's what I am going to...
Now I'm at the race, I am warming up on my trainer. It is important how much time to spend on the trainer. How much time do you need to warm up before your race? If you are doing a shorter...
Now, the next thing I want to talk about is your nutrition during the race. So, obviously, right now I'm sitting on my trainer talking to you about it, but it's very important to make...