Psychiatric intervention

Hi, welcome to Mental Health Matters. I'm Shannon Eliot. Today we will be taking an in-depth look at the Coming Home Project, an innovative initiative that uses a virtual world to provide...
Nobody but a carer knows what they are going through and they need help because they are not trained to deal with someone who is dealing with psychiatric illness "The point about helping...



Post May 4th, 1970 there was a lot of interest expressed by university families for full day programs for pre-school aged children. The early childhood program on campus stepped in to offer a...
I originally got involved because I just did not like the way things were happening in our state, and I felt like this would be a great way for us to work together more as a team. And being the parent...
[music playing] Hi, I’m Emile, and I'm co-director of SHAC, Student Health Advisory Committee here on campus. We serve as a liason between Campus Health and the student body. Hi, I’m Jaclyn,...
Your worst nightmare. Someone you trained has restrained someone badly and now you are on the national news. If someone gets hurt as a result of the system you use it could be you're in court...
>> Hello good afternoon everyone, to those of you on the east coast and those of you on the west coast joining us, thank you and good morning to all of you. My name is Dr. Astril Webb...
>> Voiceover: Psychosis can happen to people in any country in the world, whoever they are, whatever their background or walk of life. Symptoms can include hearing voices that can be...
"Like many other psychiatric illnesses, schizophrenia is often misunderstood because it can look different, depending on how extreme the symptoms are and how they manifest in a particular...