Main interests: shamanism, ethnobotany, metaphysics, psychedelic drugs and plants, futurism, primitivism, environmentalism, consciousness, phenomenology, historical revisionism, evolution, ontology,...
[electronic chime sound] [female voice] MAPS. [applause] Let's see. I'd like... I want to see myself. I'm too self-centered. [laughter] But I can tell you, Neil was telling me...
Hey guy's it's me the Common Scout, otherwise known as Psychedelic Formality. Today i'm gonna tell you an awesome story of how, well a bunch of random stuff happened. Well,...
[music] Moments of Awareness in the middle of the day, beautiful distractions to guide me on my way. A hard-working, analytical woman has been researching a cutting-edge creative technology which...
A Creepy night.. I was sailing in gigantic ocean... and a gigantic oceanwave.. came to me and I talked to it... and it was a nice guy actually... white sky... and then I saw.. some stars falling......
[HAMILTON'S PHARMACOPEIA] [HAMILTON MORRIS AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE PART 3 OF 3] Burat invited me to join him on his delivery route and visit the magic truffle storefront in...
It is really an honor, and so much fun, to be here and it's been a lot of fun preparing this talk. Each time I give this talk, things change, and I learn more about about the training program....
Catalysts to say what has never been said to SEE what has never been seen. To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act, what has never before been done. To push the envelope of creativity and...
In preparing for this presentation, I found myself asking what I could contribute to this promising frontier of knowledge whether innovative and unique, or simply supportive of the content being...