<i>Anteriormente em Once Upon a Time...</i> <i>Estamos numa terra sem magia,</i> <i>-mas vou trazê-la de volta. -A magia aqui é...
Telecommunications Solutions for Digital Inclusion When it comes to the number of Internet users, Brazil is one of the fastest-growing countries But many economic, cognitive and sensory barriers still...
joining me today is phyllis schlafly she is an American constitutional lawyer a conservative activist author and also founder love the eagle forum I miss schlafly it's really a pleasure to...
It is easy to handle, easy to transport, aerodynamic and colorful; it has a very nice and pleasant design. It is called Cute Case. But what is it? A suitcase you might say! Yes, but that's not...
This video shows the Scientific Linux CERN 6.3 installation. For a sake of simplicity, this will be done in a virtual machine (VM). I'll start creating a new virtual machine for the Linux....
there's a mobile movement going on. The rise of smartphones is creating smarter Consumers, creating more opportunities for smarter marketing. Smartphones are always on, always with us, and...
The Zeitgeist Movement Maharishi University of Management November 15, 2009 The title of this presentation is "Where Are We Going?" This is actually the second part in a two-part...
This lecture is going to actually form part of six lectures focusing on the root causes of our society's problems. [Are you going to do all six now?] - No, no, sadly not, no. There will be 6...