Why would someone decide to kill thousands of persons? Because of my job I investigate these kind of people, but I meet them when they have no power. Usually they are in jail and, if they are alone,...
(Applause) Hello, how are you? Good afternoon. It is a huge pleasure to be here. Yesterday talking with Estani, I was having trouble finding a title for this talk. I had some horrible titles and just...
[Crossing Borders] Thank you so much. I love you all. Thank you. (Applause) So, I'm from Sudan. And what you see behind me are typical pictures that you'll find whenever you search...
Good Morning. I am a great fan of TEDx series of talks and especially being here in Vancouver. It is a great privilege. I'd like to thank the organizers for giving me this platform to speak to...
I’ve been asked to say a few words about the global shift in power in politics. That's a hotly debated topic these days. There’s a great deal of speculation about whether or when China will...
my friends I've got it all and and and I'm going to take that ink pen and I'm going to be still every single were clearly I what made him famous you don't know their...
so well let's let this sad tale of have at it oh by the way of course she's in the city of Fox news channel so there'll be no fall citizens' lives in what she wants so...
katie couric asking our about the bailout this is the one that I think is the most inexplicable less think that our government can spend several hundred thousand dollars at the middle class families...