Good Morning. I am a great fan of TEDx series of talks and especially being here in Vancouver. It is a great privilege. I'd like to thank the organizers for giving me this platform to speak to...
is actually good news uh... and it has to do with the public in the nevada trying to pass the fetal a person that initiative so this is very similar to what at the right wing try to passing...
and the sound of shattering glass must be reaching your ears.” “Our situation is dire and critical. Please take necessary measures.” – I answered him with reassuring words. “The Governor will surely...



[Musique] Comprendre et mettre en application les principes relatifs aux droits de la personne pourrait éviter des plaintes et des litiges éventuels liés aux droits de la personne. L'Ontario...



so macabre this year is now at the nineteen month mark over thirty-two thousand people have been killed it is now six days in a row the where there's been shelling across the turkish border...
speaking of spills related to the fossil fuel industry more oil was spilled from trains in 2013 than in the previous four decades combined and that's not even counting all the final numbers...
Je suis Navkiran Singh, avocat dans la région de Pendjab, Haryana et Chandigarh, en Inde. Je recherche les personnes qui encourent la peine capitale dans divers tribunaux depuis les vingt-six...
Je m'appelle Ahmed Shaheed et je suis le Rapporteur des Nations Unies pour l'Iran. Dans le cadre de mon travail, j'ai pu constater, non sans alarme, le taux élevé...
Entering the year 2014, corporate profits are at an all-time high and global equity markets have just finished a very strong year. But the global labour market remains another story altogether, with...
Canada and the European Union share what we call a strategic partnership. This entails many meetings over the course of the year between Canadian public servants, Canadian ministers and Europeans....