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There are a number of circumstances that could result in someone being charged with possessing false identification. For example, an underage person might have a fake ID that they utilize to try to...
For the most part, a child that's been charged with a juvenile crime has the opportunity to resolve their matter and put it behind them without causing future harm, except in cases where the...
Self-defense still applies to the crime of drawing a deadly weapon in a threatening manner. So if somebody is placing you in immediate fear or apprehension for your own safety, you could then have the...
-There's nothing more horrible than the sexual abuse of a child, except perhaps for those cases when somebody is falsely accused of it. In this area of the law, more so than in many others,...



DUI checkpoints are legal here in the state of Nevada. But there's an administrative checklist of things that law enforcement must do if they set up a checkpoint. And it has to do with putting...
During the course of a DUI investigation here in the state of Nevada, two different types of breathalyzers are often administered. One is a PBT, or preliminary breath test, which takes place in the...
Under NRS 193.168, the commission of crimes, in order to promote gang activity or for the benefit of street gangs, carries a penalty of one to 20 years in addition to the penalty that one might face...
This is "Impact" from the University of California, Merced. These scientists are part of UC Merced's Sierra Nevada Research Institute, which studies how the Sierra and the...
-I know that when people come to see me, they're often coming to see me at their lowest point. And I know that you can't judge an individual at their lowest or weakest moment. I know...