Picking a marketing strategy

Use Facebook as one step in your marketing. What I mean by that is, that marketing takes people from getting some awareness about you, your products, your services and moving them through the process...
CASEY>> Hi Grant, how are you? This is Casey Zeman. So, I have a question for you. My wife and I just created a video. It's a spoof video on "The Adjustment...
It's time to get serious That moment comes when you just know ... it's time to act Influency doesn't happen by accident But maybe people aren't listening! So...
All right, so turning now from the Vioxx story. I went over rate ratios and risk ratios. I now want to turn to hazard ratios which again are directly related to rate ratios. We're going to see...
Increase your cleaning efficiency and lower your total cleaning costs with Bor- tek Industries. For over 45 years and a proven track record of excellence, we are the premier distributor and service...
If you're not using e-mail to connect with your prospects and customers, you're leaving an awful lot of money on the table. I'm Denise O'Berry and you're...
Today's channel landscape is complex. Channel marketers need to engage and leverage partners, generate leads, improve brand awareness, speed customer acquisition and ultimately drive more...
Hello. Today I would like to talk about the 4 precautions to take when choosing a niche. Have you ever woken up early with an idea for a great product and just can't go back to sleep because...
In our short marketing course today, here’s a quick look at a strategy to help you overcome the three types of resistance many of your buyers have, that could really boost your marketing results....
Welcome. This is a presentation from DIY Marketing, where we say, "Yes, you can!" Now, roll up your shirt sleeves and get out your elbow grease. You're going to learn how to...