bjbj GWEN IFILL: Next, an election to watch in India, a longtime U.S. ally, an economic powerhouse and the world's largest democracy. Special correspondent Kira Kay has the story of a...
Maurine: Thank you very much. I have been working at JP Morgan Chase for two years and do have the distinct privilege an honor to lead their Military and Veterans Affairs Program, but when we first...
Speaker 1: On behalf of the Bob Woodruff Foundation and I.V.M.F., we just want to thank you all for being here, for participating in our High Impact Collaboration, Barriers and Breakthroughs:...
Brian: You know what you’re talking about Brian, just talk about what you know, but I wanted to make sure that I also understood what other people know, so that’s why you’ve got IVMS because you...
Speaker 1: Hers as well, and she is the co-director of the Job Accommodation Network. The Job Accommodation Network at West Virginia University is an absolutely wonderful resource. If you...
James: All right, at this point I'm going to go ahead and transition into our first panel discussion, Expectations and Barriers, Time for a Reality Check. I'm going to ask my panelists...
Speaker 1: All right, I'm going to get going well everybody is still grabbing their seat. As we put together this last session for the day, there was some question around what we wanted to do...
Good afternoon, it's a pleasure to be here. I'd like to say thank you, Ann Marie, it's a very nice introduction and thank you very much for all the things you and your...
Speaker 1: Hi everybody. Speaker 2: Good morning. Speaker 1: Good morning. We’re going to go ahead and get started. Welcome back for those of you who were here yesterday and for those of you who are...
James: Iím actually not going to put up all of the charts and graphs because everyone said that we shouldnít do that so Iím going to describe for you the employment situation rather than do it in...