Hi, I'm Holly with Mono Machines and this is the Fellowes Galaxy E 500 Binding Machine. Now its a comb binding machine. We have got a comb right here and they come in different sizes that can...
Second Assault, the Xbox One timed-exclusive DLC, is finally available to all premium members We only had to wait more than three months to get this expansion. My name is marioKarrion from...
[Silence] >> [Background Music ] There are three classes of flexible body armor designed to protect against handgun threats, and two classes of armor for tactical operations facing rifle...



My name is David, right now i'm at Peidmont Park in Atlanta GA, they have the Spanish Festival going on right now. I just want to give a a quick update, tell you a story, tell you my story. I...
Okay. Welcome back. In this segment we're going to be talking about personal responses. You know, what influences our attitudes. Broadly speaking, we, you know, include things like, you know,...



( ♪ ♫ MUSIC ♫ ♪ ) Hello, I am Todd Yohey, Superintendent of the Oak Hills Local School District. We have partnered with the Green Township and Delhi Township Police departments to make every campus...



In Ireland each year unintentional poisoning among children under the age of 5 years leads to 1,000 hospital admissions. There are all too many instances in which an unsuspecting child innocently...
hi I'm Dr. Palo and I just want to take a moment to show you how to go up and down steps with a cane it's really an extension of walking with a cane and as usual the came follows your...
The Bedside Defender. The Ultimate Bedside Firearm Holster. Its 4:37 in the morning, your sound asleep. Your wife shakes you and whispers ?burglars? in your ear. You?re fumbling around, looking for...
Hi, my name is Chase Bending and I work here at OpticsPlanet and I'm going to tell you about a few of the holsters that we carry on our website. One of my favorite shoulder holsters here at...