My name is Linda Fall and I've worked for Avalon for 11 years. I was in the bank, in banking for 30 years. I love that work for a long time and then I didn't. This is the perfect place...
the women you are accustomed to | Lucille Clifton wearing that same black dress, their lips and asses tight, their bronzed hair set in perfect place; these women gathered in my dream to talk their...
Welcome to the Virginia Film Festival 25th anniversary special edition. I'm Tara Wheeler here in the historic Paramount Theater in downtown Charlottesville and I'm joined by the...
MNEMONICS FOR PERFECT PITCH: A Practical Guide to Pitch Memory Development People with Perfect Pitch can name musical notes without a reference tone as effortlessly as most of us can name visual...
ANDY SHARPLESS: Thanks very much. So, thank you all for coming. I'm going to speak briefly. And then, I hope you'll ask me questions. We can take advantage of the fact that we have a...
Hey mom, what are you doing? Not much honey, what are you up to? Just trying to pick which colleges I want to apply to... I see, any favorites so far? Actually, yeah. I think I'm really...
the best cuban sandwich recipe miami style anywhere so keep in the south florida and you've had a cubans have much now you want to know how to someone make a cuban sandwich at home first you...
So you're thinking about renting off-campus? Well, before you start looking for that perfect place you should understand your rental rights and responsibilities. First thing's first,...



[intro] Amsterdam city is like...that place you can go to get away from it all you know, every day life grind, gotta get back on your vibe [verse 1] Sitting back with my bloodshot eyes staring off...
Summertime and warm weather are the perfect combination for the pool. Steve Horrell, Manager at Glenwood Pool I mean, it's just the perfect place for kids to come. Glenwood pool is the only...