Hello, my name is Travis Pang and I am one of the coordinators for the 2014 Sparkle & Shine Edmonton Jr. High Zones. We would like to extend our thank you to you for attending our event. This...
CDH films presents animated short in Lego The Lightning Thief book one of Percy Jackson and the Olympians from the original novel by Rick Riordan narrated to you by me Chris. once upon a time there...
True Detective's breakout star is making a move on the men of New Girl. Alexandra Daddario, known for her roles on White Collar and the Percy Jackson film franchise, recently made the internet...
Hello, I'm here to show you the stuff I got from charity shops the other day. It's mainly books so let's get on with it. First up we have "Tappin' Thomas...
"Do you know what?" asked Percy "What"? grunted Gordon. "Do you know what?" "Silly,' said Gordon crossly. "Of course I...
Hi and welcome to Microsoft Office 2010 we will open a word 2010 document and let's just look at the user interface at the top everything is organized via tabs so you have your home tab,your...
Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley I met a traveller from an antique land Who said:—Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shatter'd...
Welcome to RaceMyGhost where powerful technology turns indoor cycling into addictive exercise. Using the Wahoo Fitness iPhone bike case or ANT+ dongle, your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad can receive...
KATE MACEVICZ: All right. Hey, guys. I'm Kate with Google. Thanks for coming today. I'm very pleased to announce that we have a special guest, Stephen Pearcy. Let's give it up...
Hello! Welcome to York St John University. My name's Andrew Fielder, and I'm a current second year student, studying History. My name's Heather Langton, and I'm a first...

