People will beat him up

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Jonathan mister is suing the Hawthorne Police Department for excessive force and police brutality after they beat him to the point where he was unconscious so this all started one night when he was...
some columnists who work for media i_d_'s l_p_g_a_ delgado was one of them i'd leave her and noah rothman are two people who are more right meaning and uh... the always have articles...



Daniel: You’re not the chosen brother, Eli. It was Paul who was chosen. See he found me and told me about your land. You’re just a fool. Eli: Why are you talking like that? Daniel: I did what your...
I thank the students who have come to speak with me over the months. We've had some very interesting meetings. Now let me quote you a few lines written 800 years ago. “The death of both of...
Flappy Bird Will Kill You Point... Blank... Period... Whats up Youtube you already know what im ranting about im talking about the game Flappy Bird What cruel sick person makes a game so addicting and...
Whenever people ask me what my favorite spreads are in the book, it's a little like which are your favorite children. You sort of love them all for different reasons. One of the ones that has...
The man in the orange jumpsuit is a worker in Saudi Arabia who's about to be severely beaten and whipped with a belt. The Saudi who dishes out the horrific beating accuses the victim of...